Informal Residential Appeal

Parcel Information

Please complete the form to file an informal appeal.

If you are appealing a vacant parcel, please populate the required fields and provide more detail for your appeal in the "I disagree with the assessed value of my property because" text box.

If you updated your property characteristics in step 2 please provide that information on this questionnaire as well.


An owner is more knowledgeable about their property than a County Appraiser. To ensure an appraiser has adequate information please complete all sections of the below questionnaire. An appraiser will not be able to make an adjustment to the assessed value without thorough information.

All fields in the Requestor Information section are required for the appeal to be submitted.

After the Requestor Information section you will have an opportunity to attach any documentation you wish to provide to the appraiser reviewing your appeal.

If other please specify

If other please specify

Requester Information